
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Millennials (Rant Wednesday)

I want to know how my generation is considered as lazy and rebellious. If you don't know we are called "the millennial's." Wikipedia says that we were born between 1980 and the early 2000s.

We are the generation that grew up during the major advancement of technology. Our child hood was still played outside with our neighbors but slowly this new thing slowly entered our lives and eventually took it over.

For some absurd reason, the progression of technology was seen as a bad thing to many people in the older generations. They always tell us that we are attached to screens, that we never put down our phones, or that all we do is sit on the tech and we are not really "experiencing" life. Newsflash, we have experienced more life through our phones than you ever have.

The amount we have at the touch of our fingers is amazing. I can make a friend on a different continent, someone who I wouldn't be able to talk to if it wasn't for technology. I could actually talk to someone who grew up in a different background and has different out look on life through the internet and a smartphone. That is more than anyone in the past had been able to do.

The picture millions of people posted on Friday to support Paris
(Image courtesy of Slate)
We also have to ability to start something amazing with the power of social media. Take the terror attack on Paris on Friday. Millions of people were tweeting, posting to Instagram, and posting to snapchat their love and support to the city. The people really got to interact with the people in Paris and the world got together and sent them their condolences to the Parisians. This wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for this "brain rotting" technology.

Not only have we been ridiculed for actually using technology but we have been put down countless times for not caring about other peoples opinions and not caring. I can't count the amount of times I have been told to "dress to impress" by my family members. Who am I trying to impress? I am a 15 year old girl. I'm pretty sure I can wear sweat pants to school and my hair in a messy bun every once in a while.

We are also starting to realize that we do not treat women or people of color or any one who is not a white straight white cisgender male. Many people are still not paid equally, treated equally, or shown any respect at all and our generation is becoming sick of putting up with their shit. We are becoming a group of more accepting human beings and thats pretty gr8 if you ask me.

I can't wait until we are all old. Millennials will be the most rad grandparents ever. Ta ta 4 now!

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