
Monday, November 9, 2015

I Have a Slight Problem

I am not very good with words. Which is ironic because I am currently taking honors english. I feel as though I have these amazing ideas and they could actually be put to good use but I just cannot for the life of me make them sound like a poetic and inspiring master piece. I mean how hard could it be to turn 26 letters of the alphabet into something good.

It makes it really hard to write essays. On our last essay one of the topics was depression and suicide. I saw many of my peers writing these amazing and moving essays. They flowed well and god was I jealous. Mine was just kind of like the sea on a windy day, a choppy mess. 

This a pretty good representation of how my essay went
(Image courtesy of Total Body Workout

I don't quite know why it is so hard for me to formulate these ideas in to words. As I'm writing this I have deleted and rewritten so many sentences but they just never come out like I want them to. I find it difficult to have conversations about school because they usually go something like this:
Me: "So what did you say for number 7?"
Other Student: "I said the Mitochondria is *imagine a really long and beautiful description of what the mitochondria is or look at the definition here*. What about you?"
Me: "Uhhhhmmm. I said its the powerhouse of the cell"

I pray that one day I will wake up and I will be able to write an amazing piece of literature that will make someone, out there, feel something other than very uncomfortable. Oh whale ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe I should practice more. Everyone says practice makes perfect. The only problem is that I am extremely lazy and I have a feeling that I will never practice writing. If I do I'll keep you all updated on how it goes. 

If you have anything that will help me please let me known and there is a very slight possibility that I will look at it. Ta ta 4 now

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