
Friday, October 23, 2015

School Sucks (Rant Wednesday)

I  have decided to start a Rant Wednesday to keep my ranting to a minimum. If I didn't my entire blog would just be random rants from some me and I'm sure nobody would want that. So I'm going to start doing these every Wednesday I feel like I have something to rant about (which could be a lot).

There are too many people that are stressed about grades
(Image courtesy of Raider Beat)
Todays topic is school. I hate school with a passion and I can't wait to be done with it forever. Many people hate school and I understand why so for those of you that like it let me elaborate on why I personally hate it.

First of all, you need to understand that I love learning. I like educating myself on things that I don't know much about. Some of you may ask, "Hannah, how can you love learning but hate school?" Well, my answer to that is I hate being graded on my learning. At this point school seems to be based around how well the student's memorization is and not their understanding of the topic. I'm sick of being graded on how well I can memorize equations and not why we need the equation. There are too many times where I am just memorizing and not understanding.

School is so miserable for people with parents that are really over obsessive. There have been countless times that I have wanted some accident like my leg breaking or literally anything else so I don't have to go home and face my parents as they lecture me on my "bad" grades. It's also very annoying when someone who thinks that they got a bad grade on an assignment and then another person who got a worse grade says stop complaining like stfu, you don't know the kind of pressure some people are under and how crazy their parents are.

I just want to say that there is so much wrong with the education system and that means there will probably be more than one post on this topic. Let's just say I am very much a believer that the education has moved away from what it was originally created for in the first place. Imma just leave you with this and I hope that you can see where I'm coming from.

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